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Luwero Orphanage

Off the grid, outside of Luwero, is a small orphanage. At this orphanage are 67 orphaned children who are attentively cared for by one courageous woman named, Teddy. She has given her life to rescue, care for, disciple, and educate all of them on a small piece of ground. Without electricity and without a sufficient water source, Teddy continues to overcome and care for these children. We have witnessed first-hand the courage of her efforts, against all odds. The needs she has are not elaborate, and with the proper funds we aim to help her realize the sustainability of her mission. In the hands of Teddy, a little will go a long way.

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Find Teddy on Facebook here

The Dream

The Dream is simple: We aim to fund 3 basic needs where this ministry can thrive and build capacity. In spite of the impossibilities, others have come along Teddy to help her build bigger housing for the children and construct a new schoolhouse where the entire community can come and learn about Jesus and gain an education. Our role at Ezra Tribal is to realize the sustainability aspect of the core mission of discipling these kids. Below you will see the description and costs associated with each endeavor:








  • Because their current well is not deep enough, this well needs to be drilled deeper and a new well-head installed. â€‹

* Deeper Well and new Well-Head = $4,300​










  • ​Teddy is currently operating this ministry without any electricity. Solar options were too expensive. So we priced how much it would cost to bring electricity to her from the city.​​

*Bringing the Electrical Grid to Teddy = $13,050









  • ​Teddy has the opportunity to purchase an adjoining 10-acre parcel next to the orphanage. This ground is fertile and currently has fruit trees and livestock grazing on it. Since she does not own it, she is not able to utilize or benefit from it. The prayer is that donations will actualize so we can purchase this ground, plant crops, and raise livestock. With this potential realized, these kids will not only be able to work to provide for themselves, but their little orphanage can become a light and a resource to the surrounding community. 

*10-acre Sustainability Parcel = $90,000












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