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Grace and Mercy Foundation

Though Grace and Mercy has over 10 locations in Thailand that serve the tribal children and their families, our focus at E.T.I. is on 4 locations: Grace Home, Emmanuel School, Morning Glory School, and Nya Li Ah Hta School. All of these basecamps are located in the vicinity of MaeSot. Combined, these 4 schools are responsible for over 500 children, much of them are orphaned or undocumented. Grace and Mercy's vision is to create continued education beyond primary and secondary education so that their lives can be enriched and potent once they reach adulthood. Through Vocational/Discipleship facilities, these children will be blessed with the opportunity to not only learn the Gospel in depth but acquire a valuable skillset that is marketable in their community. The vocations they desire to be taught are welding and auto-mechanic for the boys, and seamstress and salon training for the girls. In addition to the skills training, Thai and English will be taught so that they can legally work in Thailand. Proficiency in Thai is a requirement to obtain a "Yellow Card" in order to work within the country. 


In addition to the educational goals for these families, we are placing an equal effort on sustainability projects so that these schools can eventually operate with minimal overhead. We believe that the leaders and founders of these ministries have the Spirit and drive that warrants their ability to self-replicate further to reach more people. Sustainability initiatives not only show the community what's possible for their individual households, but allow the ministry that serves them, Grace and Mercy in this case, to become self-sufficient. For example, our first sustainability initiative was a water pipeline at Grace Home. These kids were already growing and selling produce in order to buy clean water for their ministry. Now that they have water, the profit from their produce can now be allocated toward other needs. 

Discipleship & Vocation

As stated above, the need for the Kingdom of Jesus to be heard and understood is paramount. Teaching Christ Crucified is priority. Additionally, we believe the Gospel should be proclaimed and demonstrated tangibly. Our pursuit of Christ should not only rearrange our priorities, but it has the innate characteristic of transforming communities. Vocational training allows these families to move beyond destitution and into a promising future, armed with the Spirit of Jesus and His Kingdom.  


These basecamps are vibrant and full of life. Our role with Grace and Mercy will be to inject resources, identify sustainability potentials, and help them build more capacity in the lives of these children and their communities. Our approach is through discipleship, vocational training, economic empowerment, and resource sustainability (water, produce, livestock, etc.)

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