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The posture of the Ezra Tribal Initiative is to identify grassroot ministries, pray with them about their vision, and create capacity in their basecamps and their communities through Gospel teaching, Vocational Training, Discipleship/Vocational facility construction, Identified Self-sustainability projects, and to cultivate the Spirit of Perfect Love that only comes by the learning of the Word of God. It is only by the Word of God that our Faith can exist and increase. So, all that we endeavor to do will be built upon the Gospel, Prayer, and the Intestinal Fortitude that God gives us to do it. 


Globally, we seem to be surrounded on all sides by darkness. Much like the exiles in Babylon in the book of Ezra, the temptation is to lose heart and believe that God has forsaken us. But in Ezra, God reminded the entire world that His Word remains, that His Kingdom is established, and that His promises are true. His love endures forever. He has transferred us out of the Kingdom of Darkness and has established us into the Kingdom of Light; the Kingdom of His Son, Jesus. In the Book of Ezra, the people moved into His Promise by rededicating themselves to His Word and putting their bodies to labor toward this Kingdom. 


The ministries represented on this site are not of our creation or legally affiliated with us. They are ministries that God has led us to partner, serve, and provide assistance to. Most of our physical energy is spent with another high tempo organization in Thailand. Though our physical energy will be allocated toward the mission of that organization, we will be allocating all designated project funds toward: The Pictorial Life of Christ ministry tool, The Grace and Mercy Foundation, a Bible College, and a ministry orphanage in Luwero, Uganda. By clicking on the ministry tabs under the "Approach" button, you can see how God has woven all of these ministries into our lives so we all can work on behalf of one another to advance Jesus' Kingdom. 

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